
Toronto Weather Forecast, maximal polite

Tonightok-3Cloudy. Wind northwest 30 km/h gusting to 50. Wind chill minus 7 overnight.
Tuesdaygood5Sunny. Wind northwest 20 km/h gusting to 40. Wind chill minus 9 in the morning. UV index 5 or moderate.
Tuesday nightok-1A few clouds. Wind becoming east 20 km/h gusting to 40 near midnight. Wind chill minus 8 overnight.
Wednesdaybad6Periods of rain. Windy.
Wednesday nightgood7Showers.
Thursdaygood18Cloudy with 40% chance of showers.
Thursday nightgood4Cloudy periods.
Friday nightgood2Cloudy.
Saturday nightgood2Cloudy with 30% chance of showers.
Sundaygood8A mix of sun and cloud with 60% chance of showers.
As of Mon Mar 31 18:45:01 2025

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